We are small teams doing BIG things!
Opportunities to participate in competitions and events, express opinions, influence; jobs and grant opportunities. Please let us know what opportunities does your organization offer, via applying to the Moderator
Call for Applications: Critical Thinking School (in Armenian)
06 November, 2023
Եվրասիա համագործակցություն հիմնադրամը (ԵՀՀ), «Ռեստարտ» գիտակրթական բարեգործական հիմնադրամը և Հետազոտական ռեսուրսների կովկասյան կենտրոն-Հայաստան հիմնադրամը (ՀՌԿԿ) հրավիրում են Երևանում և ՀՀ մարզերում գործող համալսարանների ուսանողներին, ինչպես նաև Արցախի բուհերում ուսանած երիտասարդներին մասնակցելու «Քննադատական մտածողության դպրոց»-ին, որը տեղի կունենա ս.թ. դեկտեմբերի 8-ից 10-ը, Ծաղկաձորում։
Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals: Master's
03 November, 2023
Do you have ambition,leadership experience and a strong professional background? Apply for a scholarship for master’s degree studies in Sweden and develop leadership skills for a sustainable future. Swedish Institute Scholarshipsfor Global Professionals (SISGP) offers highly qualified professionals from a number of countries on the OECD/DAC list a unique opportunity to pursue a master’s degree in Sweden.
Application dates to keep in mind: 12–28 February 2024:
Call for applications: Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program
01 November, 2023
Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program
Priority areas: Reinforce U.S.-Armenian Shared Values; Strengthen U.S.-Armenia Cultural and Educational Ties, Advance Shared Prosperity, Advance Regional and Global Security, Develop Media Capacity and Expand English Language Opportunities, Strengthen Democracy and Civil Society.
Funding Amount: up to $50,000
Current Closing Date for Applications: Oct 31, 2024
Call for applications: Investigative Journalism Training Program
01 November, 2023
Investigative Journalism Training Program
Goal: The goal of this project is to strengthen the Armenian media landscape and address the existing gaps in journalism education and capacities through building a pipeline of professional journalists capable of producing quality investigative and fact-based journalism content.
Funding Amount: $500,000
Current Closing Date for Applications: Dec 18, 2023
Invitation to a Webinar: Mundus Talks. "Before, During, and After Erasmus Mundus"
26 October, 2023
The National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia kindly invites interested parties to participate in the online meeting with Erasmus Mundus Armenian alumni in the frames of the “Mundus Talks” series of webinars.
20 October, 2023
The European Union Mission in Armenia (EUMA) offers 22 posts in the Chief of Staff Office, Operations, Security and Duty of Care and Mission Support.
We offer a competitive progressive carrier in an international environment with a professional atmosphere.
It is full time work, in a multicultural environment, during regular business hours.
EPF is Looking for an Evaluation Expert
17 October, 2023
EPF’s guiding vision is of a South Caucasus that is peaceful, conflict-free and cooperative with civically engaged citizens, socially responsible businesses, and sustainable, accountable and effective third sector organizations. EPF’s mission is to empower people to effect change for social justice and economic prosperity through hands-on programs, helping them to improve their communities and their own lives.
Job Opportunity from Heinrich Böll Stiftung Yerevan: Environmental Program Coordinator
04 October, 2023
The Heinrich Böll Stiftung (hbs), affiliated with the German Green Party, is a legally independent political foundation. The hbs South Caucasus regional office was opened in Tbilisi in 2003, and its Yerevan branch office in 2017. The environmental program coordinator of the hbs Yerevan Office - South Caucasus Region conceptualizes, implements, and monitors the environment program and the Green Lab summer school of hbs Yerevan Office, plans, manages, and administers Armenia-based projects in the environmental sphere in consultation with colleagues in the Yerevan and Tbilisi office, etc.