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Opportunities to participate in competitions and events, express opinions, influence; jobs and grant opportunities. Please let us know what opportunities does your organization offer, via applying to the Moderator
Job fair for persons with disabilities (Armenian)
02 November, 2015
Նոյեմբերի 3-ին Երևանի «Կոնգրես» հյուրանոցի շքասրահում ժ.12:00-14:00 «Ունիսոն» ՀԿ-ն և Զբաղվածության պետական գործակալությունն կանցկացնեն աշխատանքի տոնավաճառ հաշմանդամություն ունեցող անձանց համար: Այն իրականացվում է ԱՄՆ Միջազգային զարգացման գործակալության աջակցությամբ «Սեյվ դը Չիլդրեն» և գործընկեր կազմակերպությունների կողմից իրականացվող LIFE ծրագրի շրջանակներում:
Հաշմանդամների համար աշխատանքային տոնավաճառի մասին կարող եք ծանոթանալ այստեղ։ ...
Swedish Institute scholarships for 2016-2017
02 November, 2015
The Swedish Institute (SI) will be offering scholarships to talented students from select countries for the 2016/2017 academic year. Scholarships are offered to students who will be starting a master’s programme in autumn 2016.
The application period for most scholarships will be in February 2016. For the Swedish Institute Study Scholarship, an additional first application period will take place between 1-15 December 2015.
Fore more information about the scholarships can be found here.
Evaluator: call for expressions of interest
31 October, 2015
We are contacting you on behalf of Minority Rights Group Europe (MRG), a Budapest-based non-governmental organization, who is looking for an evaluator for the final evaluation of Eastern Partnership Minorities Network project, funded by European Commission Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development (Development Cooperation Instrument) and Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument) in the Eastern Partnership countries.
Please find attached more detailed information about the terms of reference and call for exp...
Դիմել «Ստեղծագործական Եվրոպայի մշակույթ» ենթածրագրի (անգլ․)
29 October, 2015
Organisations from the following Eastern Partnership countries can apply to Creative Europe’s Culture sub-programme - Georgia and Moldova. Full participation in the MEDIA sub-programme depends on the alignment of third countries audiovisual legislation with that of EU countries. Failing this alignment they may participate in the following schemes of the MEDIA sub-programme: Training, Festivals, Audience Development and Access to Markets.
An agreement with Ukraine is expected to be signed still this year, allowing Ukrainian cultural and creative organizations to participate as of 1 Janua...
Open call: EU-EAP culture and creativity programme study tour and partnership programme with Poland
29 October, 2015
The European Union-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme is inviting cultural and creative industry organisations in the six Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) to apply for a study tour and partnership programme.
More information about study tour and partnership programme here. ...
Human Rights Committee recommendations (Concluding Observations) to Armenia
29 October, 2015
The Centre for Civil and Political Rights is delighted that the Government of Armenia has submitted a second follow up report to the Human Rights Committee in June 2015. With this new report, Armenia confirms that it is willing to maintain a constructive dialogue with the Committee, which is very positive.
Based on this Goverment report and on the follow up reports from civil society (e.g. here), the Committee has announced that it would undertake a new follow up review of Armenia during the ongoing session 115. The session on follow-up to Concluding Observations will take...
Finance and Advice for Women in Business in Armenia Women in Business Training Workshops
29 October, 2015
Leadership in action
Be an agent for change in your business
26-27 November and 10-11 December 2015, Yerevan
Leadership in action is a four day training workshop that will be held in Yerevan on 26-27 November 2015 and 10-11 December 2015. If you are leading your business and you want to take your leadership skills to the next level, this workshop will help you get there. This workshop is the part of the Women in Business Programme in Armenia launched in 2015 and will provide you with the opportunity to benefit from other components of the Programme (more info can b...
GIZ Call for Proposals for BACKUP Health: The Three Grant Programs
29 October, 2015
Deadline: 15 December 2015
GIZ is seeking applications for its BACKUP health program in order to support a range of Global Fund processes at the country level.
The GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. Most of GIZ’s activities are commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
GIZ also operates on behalf of other German ministries as well as German federal states ...